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Profit from Emotional Intelligence!
In response to the predominance of work-related issues, Ros is committing time to providing ongoing Emotional Intelligence or EQ training at management level, in an effort to improve workplace relationships, reduce stress levels, and increase motivation and productivity. She can also provides a number of other services to organisations.
“Workplace Misery Spells Trouble For Employers ....”
Only 14% of today’s employees said they were “very satisfied” with their work. One quarter said they were simply “showing up to collect a paycheck... “. The sharpest decline in workplace happiness was among workers aged 35 to 44, with the second biggest fall among 45 to 54 year olds. 40% of employees felt disconnected from their employers and two-thirds said they did not identify with their employers’ business goals.”
Michael Skapinker, Financial Times, March 9th 2005 - Talking about the work force in America
Loyalty and commitment is declining! 71% of responding companies in a recent survey said that loyalty and commitment among their core employees has declined over the last five years (The Human Resources Institute).
What is Emotional Intelligence?
Emotional Intelligence or EQ is a radically different approach to improving relationships within the workplace, by focusing primarily on “people skills” rather than intellectual ability. Training management in these skills helps to form good, healthy working alliances. Productivity, motivation, mutual respect, and morale can become transformed,
improving company efficiency and therefore profitability.
Statistics from 121 companies and organisations worldwide, with a combined workforce of millions, show that 67% of the abilities required for effective performance are emotional competencies which include some or all of the following :
Advanced Skills may include:
Social skills
Personal influence
Effective leadership
Assessing your actions
Improving team relationships
Acknowledging employee's efforts
Individual assessment and need for training in these competencies will be provided, together with one to one or team training sessions. Self-regulated on-the-job practise, mentoring or external training will also play a significant role in the development of individual skills.
Why should this be of interest ?
Staff turnover and sickness absence are currently at record levels, at enormous cost to business. The use of EQ has helped to transform the effectiveness, and therefore the profitability, of many organisations. The EQ approach has proven that by training management, efficiency within the workplace can be dramatically enhanced. As a result of using EQ, staff in simpler jobs such as machine operators and clerks can be 3 TIMES MORE EFFECTIVE. Those in medium complexity jobs, such as secretarial and sales staff can be 12 TIMES MORE EFFECTIVE and those in complex jobs such as physicians and lawyers can be 127% MORE EFFECTIVE!
At Pepsi Cola, AT&T, & IBM, sales staff proficient in EQ skills performed at twice the average of other sales people. Can your organisation afford to ignore these amazing results? If what you are doing to improve efficiency hasn’t worked, you need to...TRY SOMETHING DIFFERENT!
If you would like to discuss a package designed for your staff please contact Ros Powell. She will be happy to discuss your particular situation and requirements, and give you a brief presentation.
The Training Programme
The programme will need a medium to long-term commitment by the organisation, which, with monthly sessions, could take an initial period of six to twelve months. The training will help managers to motivate staff, establish mutual respect and improve morale, by focusing on a number of competencies, depending on the organisations’ specific needs. Assessment, evaluation and ongoing monitoring of progress is imperative to the overall success of the package.